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    Brett Jenkins
    Kevin Brown
Contributing Members:
    Pr. Barry Ludwig

Homepage For Orthodox Theology

"People have fallen into a foolish habit of speaking of orthodoxy as something heavy, humdrum, and safe. There never was anything so perilous or so exciting." - G.K. Chesterton

Welcome to our homepage on the web. We intend this as a site for a storehouse of articles, books, interviews, and basically anything dealing with orthodox theology. We exist primarily for three purposes:
  1. To connect individuals and institutions who maintain an orthodox understanding of the Christian faith.
  2. To provide apologetic resources for defending that orthodox understanding.
  3. To call the church, especially the ELCA, to be true to its confession and embrace an orthodox faith.

Why We Are Here What is "orthodox" ? More Info About Us

    News and Recent Updates:
    Please bear with us as we begin to put together this website. Many of the departments may be sparse or empty for a while, but hopefully we will soon begin to generate some more of our own content. Until then, browse through what we've assembled so far, and if you'd like to contribute, by all means, let us know!

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