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Orthodox Links

    This is our catalogue of links to other sites with topics related to orthodox Christianity, as well as links to other mainline renewal organizations. Again, let us know if you spot any dead links.

Magazines and other resouces on the web:
  • First Things: A Journal of Religion and Public Life
    A magazine published by the Institute on Religion and Public Life, edited by Richard John Neuhaus.
  • Good News
    An e-magazine of the Confessing Movement within the United Methodist Church.
  • Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity
    "Touchstone is a Christian journal, conservative in doctrine and eclectic in content, with editors and readers from each of the three great divisions of Christendom--Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox. The mission of the journal and of its publisher, the Fellowship of St. James, is to provide a place where Christians of various backgrounds can speak with one another on the basis of shared belief in the fundamental doctrines of the faith as revealed in Holy Scripture and summarized in the ancient creeds of the Church."
  • Orthovox
    "The Voice of Orthodoxy within the United Methodist Church" - "OrthoVox is an editorial website. The intent is to present reasoned, engaging, and provocative views from a classically ecumenical or orthodox context. It is my view that the rise of heterodoxy in the guise of liberal Protestantism threatens the catholic nature of the Christian faith by distancing those under its pernicious influence from 'what has always been believed, everywhere and by all'. This distancing from the paradosis, the authoritative tradition of the Church, is actively promoted by the revisionist elements within my denominational tradition, The United Methodist Church. OrthoVox is a polemical presence challenging these schismatic, heterodox influences. "
Other denominational renewal organizations:

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